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Subhumans (Canada) :: Interview: Culture Bully


Interview: Culture Bully

Posted on October 12th, 2006 by The Subhumans

Punk. It has changed from a term labeling a condensed segment of society’s outcasts to that which labels pop culture accessories and commercial music. Heralded Vancouver first wave punk icons, The Subhumans, reignite its reputation with the recent release on Alternative Tentacles New Dark Age Parade. The album serves as the reuniting element to a band that has been at the forefront of history, a band that had lost a member to imprisonment, and a band that eventually collapsed due to internal pressures and disbanded. New Dark Age Parade sees original members Brian Goble, Mike Graham and Gerry Hannah with drummer Jon Card (ex-Personality Crisis/SNFU/DOA/Stretch Marks) in what marks itself as one of the most crucially outspoken anti-apathetic exertions that recalls sincere punk ethics and aesthetics. In this interview the band’s original members all take time to discuss modern day celebrity, modern punk bastardization and Gerry Hannah sets the record straight on America’s War on Terror©.

Read the whole interview here …

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New Dark Age Parade